
Showing posts from March 25, 2022

Delaying Laundry: How can our behavior help with Renewable energy adoption

  Does renewable energy adoption hold the key to save our planet? Renewable energy production now accounts for 15% of our annual electricity consumption, and it is projected to reach 25% by year 2050, the deadline set by Paris agreement. But why aren’t this number increasing even more? The answer could lie within our electricity consumption behavior. Our Daily Demand You wake up, it is a warm summer day, you turn on your phone to check the newest IG stories, your phone have been charging over the night time.   You turn on the lights and maybe your electric stove and start preparing your breakfast.   After dressing up, you commute to school.   On the streets, you see others driving electric cars to work. You are now at school, lights are on in every classroom, maybe air-conditioning as well for places that have it.  You spent your whole day at school, and now it is 4pm, time to go home.   You see electric cars roaming the streets again, and once you a...